2023 Summer Internship Presentation at Babeş-Bolyai University

2023 Summer Internship Presentation at Babeş-Bolyai University

March 2023

On March 16th, ArtSoft Consult was invited by the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Babeş-Bolyai University to participate in their Summer Practice Workshop. During the event, we had the opportunity to meet with 2nd-year students and showcase our 2023 internship program. We spent several hours in the FSEGA lobby talking with enthusiastic young people who were eager to apply for our summer internship.

Our team was accompanied by two colleagues who had participated in our internship program last year. Their presence was incredibly valuable as they shared their experience and offered practical advice to students who visited our stand.

It was a fantastic opportunity to connect with representatives from the faculty, and we look forward to continuing our fruitful collaboration with them in the future. We also had the pleasure of meeting with our colleagues from the Cluj IT Cluster, who were also present at the event.

The following week, we were available online via MS Teams to answer questions from students interested in learning more about our company and our internship program.

We are excited to receive as many interesting CVs as possible and are looking forward to welcoming our new interns this summer!

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